Yoomi Duo, Physical Play For iPad

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Yoomi duo - the iPad is already perceived as a perfect device for entertainment, as well as music and movies also offers a wide range of applications and games that make it perfect for fun and spend time.

But if you want to go along with numerous varieties of entertainment you could try this game, called Yoomi Duo media and is one of the first games that integrates the physical with the iPad, going to create a whole new experience for a game.

To play you place the device on top of the screen of the tablet, of course, after you download the free application of the game. The game is called Yoomi precisely and is quite popular in the States, now explain the rules of the game would be long and difficult if you do not have the game in his hands. For this I refer you to the video (in English) which does a pretty clear and simple introduction to the type of game and what you should do.

The latest addition to the game that we do not know, is the interaction between real and digital game that creates a new and fun for the whole family.

Yoomi duo, among the other is not excluded that in the future may go other applications designed to interact with the physical device, in order to have more games to play. Yoomi is compatible both with iPad with iPad 2.

You can find it on yoomigame.com