Cat Ring, Ring For a Kitten!

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This is a precious ring, you can choose gold or silver, but not the high quality material to make it desirable. It 's the very particular form that makes it unique and different from the usual rings, is called Cat Ring and is a small kitten modeled in such a way as to become a ring.

Unlike most of the rings the Cat Ring is open at the top, on the one hand you have the tail, while the other paws and head of the kitten peeping. It almost seems that it is hidden in your hand and peek out without leaving the comforting shelter.

In addition to the material you choose the color of the eyes without price differences, are formed by two small stones available in red or blue.

The price for the material change of course, 98 dollars for the silver version, $ 288 for the gold.

A small ring that represents something different and innovative, will be much appreciated even by those who do not have a cat and lends itself as a fantastic gift for someone special.

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