Rings With Precious Elements Of The Periodic Table

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Rings periodic table - the elements found in nature are ordered according to their atomic number on the periodic table of elements, was designed by the Russian Mendeleev in 1869 which was also dedicated.

Those who have studied at least a hint of chemistry at school definitely knows what it is and how he looks, now its rectangular molds with the element symbol and atomic number attached is used to carry the precious rings.

In fact there are three models for which you have chosen to use the most precious materials, gold, silver and platinum. They have a classic rectangular shape of the boxes in the periodic table, and each material has its exact words engraved on it. The initials of three elements: Au for gold, silver, Ag and Pt for platinum are accompanied by their atomic number at the top and bottom by their specific gravity.

The choice of materials has fallen on the most precious that we can find in jewelry, a choice that will penalize a certain type of clientele because it has aimed to create jewelry that most of the accessories that you would hardly missed a geek.

Rings periodic table, the costs are affordable only for the silver version, $ 295, but they become exorbitant for the other two versions, one in gold for $ 3000, $ 6000 for that well-platinum. If they made a lighter and cheaper aluminum version would be mine!

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