The Costume Of The Bumblebee

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In a little while 'is Carnival , a unique opportunity to be able to dress how you want and maybe taking on the appearance of their heroes. Among the characters that the film has raised, there are not just the superheroes of Marvel or some other fictional character like Jack Sparrow.

There is also the legendary Autobot Transformers series , the protagonists of a trilogy of films that could boast of spectacular special effects, and among the best seen on the big screen.

With this fantastic costumes you can dress as Bumblebee, the yellow Camaro fabulous, of course android version. The costume is well made ​​and very faithfully replicates the movie character.

It consists of a suit to add the plastic parts that replicate various robotic components, including the cannon on his right arm. Even the helmet is very nice, light up the eyes of Bumbleebee really blue, just as if you were a robot, you really cracks up the Christmas lights to see.

The costume is a gadget made officially licensed, non-believer is the only detail that does not transform into a Camaro, you can always try but even if you were the skilled contortionists, I doubt you manage to make the other look like a Camaro over a wall .

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