Wappy Dog; The Dog For Nintendo DS

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Wappy Dog, the dog for Nintendo DS - And 'now output the new 3DS but Nintendo does not want to abandon the huge audience that still plays the DS still working on new games and projects.
There is no intention to limit to meet the customers waiting to pass the new console, also wants to increase sales and new frontiers of entertainment experience. By leveraging the huge success of Nintendogs games targati will try to take another evolutionary step in the virtual pet.
The game in question is Wappy Dog, which unlike the previous simulators pets will not be limited only to software but the game will have a real robot dog, who is called Wappy, with whom we interact. The interaction will be managed by the portable console, we can play, give orders, virtually everything we did just that here in Nitendogs our puppy will be real and will respond by shaking his tail, barking and moving in over 300 different ways. The game thanks to Travel Mode, allows players to control the dog and progress through the game even when not physically use or have with them Wappy. Once you re-use it will automatically move the console progress.
Wappy will be more personalized in the virtual version, however, despite not having accurate information was leaked the news that the dog is physically customizable in color and with many accessories.
It 'was created by Sega Toys in partnership with Activision, an official date yet for commercialization has not been communicated, at Nintendo about a vague "Holiday" 2011, will almost certainly not beyond the end of the year.
You can find it on wappydoggame.com