Money Printing Kit, design and print your notes!

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Money Printing Kit, design and print your notes - Find me a better way to "make" money other than have them right at home! Sure, it's not legal, would have no value, but if your goal is to make money like crazy, you can not say that this gadget can not aim.
It's called Money Printing Kit, and is a fun set to print their own banknotes, of course pernsato for a clientele of children and young people for their fantasy games have definitely needed a little 'of' grain 'to run. It 'consists of two blocks of sheets of two different sizes, with the only white World Bank that will be written according to your notes.
Using the 21 special stamps and you can pick any two inks to create a bill that will be legal tender within your walls. You will also have to put two faces on banknotes and stamps of the most famous symbols of the currencies: Euro, Pound, Dollar and Yen.
It is not advisable to leave the house with this money, especially if you plan to use them!
You can find the kit of