Wrap Glasses to See 3D on The iPhone

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To see something in three dimensions is not necessary that the source it is, many TV sets for example are able to recreate the 3D effect from a standard program. Obviously the result is not at the levels of a specially created for the 3D, but it is a good compromise.

This set of glasses, called Wrap, seem the classic glasses of 3D television, but in reality they are a model designed to see the third dimension of video content (not only) of the iPhone and other smartphones.

You can use them for many videos, but for some applications and games, so that you can enjoy even more of your favorite content.

The rods have included earphones, so you will not need additional headphones, and you have everything you need for a fantastic three-dimensional entertainment experience.

There are a series of models that offer different performance characteristics, but also a very wide range of prices.

In fact, we start from the model, called Wrap 310XL, which has a cost of 169.99 dollars to get to Wrap 1200VR well that costs 599.99!

Find them on vuzix.com