The USB Optical Mouse Giant

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Do not call it a toy. The USB mouse giant is not only an extreme gadgets end in itself, but a real instrument applicable to your computer. As regards the use, unless you literally gigantic proportions, it is difficult to fit in the palm of your hand.

Her measurements speak louder than words: giant USB mouse is 175mm long, 105 wide and 55 high. They also implemented some very nice LED lights that peek out from all corners of the translucent cover. During the day, despite its size, showing a "simple" mouse white and gray, at night or when there is poor lighting, the mouse turns into a riot of lights and shapes transparent.

For those not afraid to publicly display their eccentricities, the gadget offers a remarkable accuracy in its optical movement and a good reliability in terms of use. The price? Certainly not more than a computer mouse, $ 20, about 15 euros.

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