A Real Home Instead of a Kennel

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If you have a dog and live in a house with a garden, it is likely that your pet sleeps outside. It free to do whatever he wants, there is the problem of remembering to do is go out and in a more spacious.

To give him shelter are the kennels, they come in all shapes and sizes, to fit both the breed and size of the dog, is to meet the tastes of the owners.

Indeed, especially through the world of gadgets, the kennels are taking more and more extravagant ways to attract more customers and offer a more differentiated.

The ones that I show you now is reductive define kennels, it's true miniature houses to accommodate our faithful animals. They come in various styles and sizes, so you can adapt to the style of house you have, or simply a design that suits you.

They are called Best Friend's Home, consisting of four models, the first is called Alabama and takes inspiration from traditional houses in that area, the white villas with a colonnade in front. The second model is called Cubix is a tribute to the architecture design in recent years, regular forms, large glazed surface, corner windows and the walls red and white.

The third is called Lönneberga, a house in northern style, namely Sweden, and remember all those colorful wooden houses, roofed with asphalt, typical of the Scandinavian landscape.

The latest model is rather fanciful, perhaps the only distasteful, it's called Fairytale, and takes the form of a castle of princesses, so nothing gothic or medieval. It 's completely pink, two white-tipped towers and above the entrance is a large golden crown. I doubt that a dog house from a fairytale dream, a concept known only to men, but if the market will obviously have done.

Beyond the last model I have to say that the idea is great and the achievement is even more, are great, maybe a bit 'too flashy and expensive, but if you spend between 1,600 and 2,700 dollars (depending on model ) is not a problem, then it's a gadget for you.

The find of  bestfriendshome.com