Nabi, The Tablet for Children

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If you know what children are attracted by your iPad, technology touchscreen fascinates them, if we put a little more colorful and fun to play, it becomes impossible to avoid using it.

Not that there's something wrong, but for many it is a working tool, while those with very young children living with the nightmare that may romperglielo at any moment.

For these and other reasons it was created Nabi, the tablet designed for children. It has the screen 7 " and quickly distinguished from adult models through colored rubber frame that gives it a childlike appearance, although the main function is to protect it from bumps and falls.

As OS has installed Android 2.2.1, with an interface designed for children, all colored and with igone large and very intuitive.

The price is about $ 200, obviously could not make a model with the price of  iPad, otherwise it would have lost some of its meaning.

The good thing is that the cost will be partly cushioned by the large amount of software pre-installed on the machine, home values ​​it at around 150 Dollars. It 's normal to think that a calculation is inflated, but in any case the material is very much.

Indeed Nabi is a center for play, to study, to pass the time, and you'll find music, books, applications and video games ELECTRONIC Arts.

In addition to being voted to entertainment, is a great help to develop learning with dedicated applications, such as text to read, courses for the design or mathematical exercises.

And connectivity with Wi-Fi and camera from 1.3 megapixels, in practice it's a real tablet with excellent features. Only it's disguised in fancy shapes and meaningful for children.

You can find it on