Continuance, The Stylus Rechargeable Via USB

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Although many devices have the batteries appropriate, such as lithium cell phones and cameras, there are still many who work with the stylus, such as mice, keyboards, some cameras, etc..

The stylus is a dated technology, but this does not mean that they have not evolved over time, first, with increasingly higher performance models that gave more power for longer, second, with the introduction of rechargeable models, which besides being very more comfortable reduced to a minimum environmental impact.

With this model called the Continuance, the stylus makes a further evolutionary step, so you can connect directly to a USB cable for recharging.

If we exclude the special white with pink, the batteries have the same format as previous versions, for granted, as they must be compatible with all devices running on batteries. The socket USB is located on one side, you simply connect a standard cable and you can charge it without the help of a charger, bulky item to carry around and often do not have with us.

Another very convenient feature is that they can recharge batteries in devices that do not go to batteries, in fact, if connected to your iPhone via the dock cable, will serve as a extra battery.

For the moment they are in concept, but are ready and waiting to be put on the market, the idea is great, so I see why the project should not go through.

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