Doctor Who is the television series of science fiction longest in history. In fact, the new episodes aired since 2005 are resuming the story aired between il'63 and 89, with assets of over 700 episodes!
They could thus neglecting the gadgets a TV series so successful? Absolutely not, in fact, the line of gadgets dedicated to Doctor Who is very long, and the geeks will certainly most interesting objects.
Those who are now the monster Plush speakers dedicated to the series, with four very special people who will be very welcome to all fans.
There are about 10 cm high, of course, with small variations depending on the type, the first Peluce is the TARDIS, a vehicle with which Doctor Who can travel in space-time, when pressed will emit the sound "Vworp, Vworp" and ignite lights.
The second toy is a Cyberman who will say two sentences, "Upgrading is compulsory" or "You will Became like us or will be deleted."
The third and fourth are both toy Dalek, one red and one blue, and say "Exterminate!, Exterminate!" or "You would make a good Daleeeek!"
All are equipped with a hook to hang them, backpack, car, bedroom, wherever there is space for your tender and stramni friends.
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