Decorating With Nature The Trunk Carpet

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Furnish with style, attention to the environment without sacrificing personality. Because of its originality, Woody Wood rug (the rug trunk ) lends itself to the most diverse furnishing solutions. You can use it as a break from the tone in an otherwise too austere, but it is also ideal for a house with wooden harness, establishing a relationship of color consistency. I have already posted the most whimsical to the living room like a tapestry. A solution to gamble? The choice is yours.

But let's get to the materials. The gadget Woody Wood rug was produced by a process, used in industrial design, known to industry insiders as the "Cradle to cradle" means a method that preserves ecosystems and the biological cycle of nature. The edges have been cut, burned and assembled. A work that will provide for many years at your gadgets a faultless aesthetic.

It can be obtained