Comes Jack Frost Scarf Thermochromic

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Imagine a scarf sensitive to temperatures, which changes of aspect with the vary them of the external climate and snowflakes ever wider with the increase of rigidity winter. His name is Jack Frost Scarf, produced in the United States, and is the first thermochromic scarf. A clever gadget that reacts to the environment by conforming his style.

From a light blue plain the Jack Frost Scarf texture changes into a snowflake, dark blue color, which will progressively change your look. From the size of 10 "x 72", the scarf is sensitive to cold its metamorphosis when the temperature drops below 18 ° C. It is therefore difficult in winter, with lower temperatures, see it in its most Christmas.

Included will be sent home with his bag. Regarding the materials, it is a gadget made ​​from 100% cotton, machine washable and made ​​with the same production techniques of the t-shirt. The price? In line with that of a scarf average, 60 $.

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