What's It Going? This Is Coming From The Frog Meteorology!

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Frog weather reporter - how many times we rely on weather seen on television or read in the paper, only to discover to our cost that it is wrong? How many times we went out to do a bike ride, make sure the sun shining on the map of the weather and then go home drenched.

Not to mention the weekend at the beach or mountains skipped due to forecasts of rain, storms and tempests, and passed in the city under a beautiful sun shines throughout the peninsula.

Much better to rely on someone more credible, someone like Frog Meteorology , a curious and strange contraption from Japan, which will allow us to read on their own variation of the time.

This is a small object, about 11 cm high, made of blown glass, with a smiling face painted on it. Actually it has little of the frog, using the imagination could even remember it, but if we work of fantasy could also be anything else.

In the end it does not really matter, but has its operation and its use. You will need to put in a bit 'of water (the level you will find it mentioned with the product), dyed with something better if you have at home, so it's easier to see his level.

The frog, or presumed, has an arm pointing up where the water will rise the second atmospheric pressure . More water will rise at the top there will be more likely to rain, conversely, if the arm is almost without water, we will have a good chance that the sky is cloudy.

In practice it is a sort of barometer old-fashioned, is not 100% reliable, but fail to make mistakes, do better for ourselves. Is there anyone who still needs the weather?

The found at  firebox.com