Road Tested Chair

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Road Tested Chair - Straight from the streets of New York a chair that will give your home a touch midway between art and design. A chair that is a recent trend in the arts, to recycle things more special by giving him new life and a new function.
What we can see perfectly in this work that uses light signals of traffic lights for pedestrians who are in the Big Apple. Cubes of yellow with the words "WALK" or "DONT WALK" that even in this capacity will continue to function and that may be activated through a remote control.
To build two light signals were used, one for the back and one for the session. The legs are made ​​with steel brackets painted the same yellow rear signals, while the legs are galvanized brackets that make it firm and level. To operate the lights must be connected to a power cord with a spring very much in keeping with the style of the work.
The price is a work of art, 3,700 Dollars, but if you are interested better get their hands on now, instead of waiting for the value goes up over time.
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