Pee & Poo Plush

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The stuffed animals are with us since we are small and many are so fond of to keep them as a fond memory as adults. They are usually the cute little pets and each becomes attached to his favorite. Some people prefer a bunny, who is a dog, what is certain is that none of you ever thought you could find plush like I'm about to show you.

They are called Pee & Poo, and you just need to translate their names to let you know what it is, in fact their name is the equivalent of the Anglo-Saxon Pee & Pupu.

The appearance leaves no doubt, have their own, but do not get funny ideas, like every plush that you will comply with irresistible, cute and cuddly. 

They have the legs forward as if they were sitting and open hands that make them seem like awaiting being picked up. Pee is 15 cm high, 14 Poo, the exterior is made ​​of cotton to 80% and 20% polyester and polyester fiber stuffing.

Despite appearances are hygienic, comply with all safety standards, CE marked and suitable for children of all ages. 

It 'time to reevaluate Pee & Poo, who can be loving more than any deer or kitten plush, and especially more nice!

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