Otamatone, Absurd Musical Instrument

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Otamatone - music lovers, but also those who have never played an instrument but would like to do it, this gadget will be interesting music.

The Otamatone is an innovative musical instrument, the characteristic shape of a note, developed in Japan where he immediately found a great success Nobumichi Tosa, the well-known designers of gadgets of the Rising Sun.

As mentioned it is a simple tool, used even by inexperienced in music, but is able to offer great potential as sound and sound combinations. In fact, there are various possibilities and techniques that allow the reproduction of different sounds.

Specifically: by pressing the handle as if it were a keyboard, making him move up and down the fingers and crushing the sympathetic face of ' Otamatone.

Clearly the opportunity to combine these three techniques allows for a wide variety of sounds to play 3 octaves and 2 due to the volume levels you can adjust the sound depending upon where you are.

In conclusion, a gadget innovation, both for the technique that is used to "play" is the sound itself. With its ease of use is fun for an experienced musician for a child, the variety of techniques and combinations make it a durable gadgets that promise a long time to learn all the secrets.

You can find it on firebox.com