Fingers Of Cucumber

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Do you remember the article about the tentacles for fingers ? A gadget that could very ambiguous and find a pleasure only to those utilities, with a lot of imagination, after having seen, had a light bulb turned on its possible use.

Now it is another accessory toes may seem equally ambiguous, it is actually better for us Italians, because in Anglo-Saxon countries there is a legend that one because this gadget.

The legend speaks of William Picklefingers (literally fingers of cucumber), after a man who burned his fingers on a wood stove, put his hands to find relief in a jar of pickles. The brine alleviated the pain, but once removed his hands found his toes turned in so many cucumbers in vinegar. So William spent the rest of his life in that state, constantly struggling with the urge to eat those delicious pickles that had for fingers (Keep in mind that in the Anglo-Saxon countries are considered a delicacy cetriolinoìi).

From this history are born curious and amusing these nice-looking rubber thimbles many gherkins, each set consists of 5 pieces (so if you want to cover both your hands you'll need two).

While it is true that the story of William Picklefingers is unknown here, the other can take the opportunity to tell your children with this accessory you can stage a true representation to immerse them in a most fantastic experience.

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