Calendar "It Happened On This Day ..." Heat-Sensitive

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This is an evolution of the calendars that show every day an important event happened in the past and to history.

Some examples of what you'll find: The January 27 Thomas Edison patented the light bulb while on August 15, a Beatles concert in a stadium packed with New York by 60,000 people, diets life to stadium rock.

This calendar is potentially eternal, good for any year, has a very modern look and is all on one page. It could also be called the poster is large 40 × 100 cm and its bright colors that are followed in chromatic order on cubic forms recreate a very nice visual effect, perfect for decorating the room.

Another very cool and how to show particular facts of the day. Each cube represents one day, her face black top. Placed on a finger, with the warmth, the surface almost magically reveal the event day.

The sides of the cube instead of colored leaves little, but enough space to make their own notes and commitments. Using a pencil, we can easily delete it again the following year without having to buy a new one.

You can find it on

If you want to see another calendar curious look at this Life Calendar.