My Butterfly Butterfly Electronic

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My Butterfly Butterfly electronic - This technology is the repetition of a game that few will have done but our parents, I spent more time outdoors and in areas likely to be greener. In the spring afternoons were often chasing butterflies with nets or boxes, placed them once captured in a glass jar to admire them up close with their bright colors and their particular plots. After a while 'because it frees them indoors would be resisted for a short time, but every other day could seek to have fun and discover new ones.
Today, where green spaces are becoming less and also where we could see the butterflies are hard to find them would be difficult to do the same. With this special jar name My Butterfly can admire a replica of an electronic throttle without too many differences from the real ones.

The glass jar has the look of the old ones for preserving, to 'inside of a micro wire is attached to the butterfly fake. Instead there is concealed in the cap that makes electronic equipment sensitive to tap the jar to the jar, or give it to the ambient sounds of a certain intensity. For each stimulus the butterfly starts to shake, the movement that results from it will be very realistic and look like a real butterfly in a closed jar.

In this way we can keep a butterfly in the house even though we struggle to find the real, we will also not free to leave in life, our eternal and always will be active and flowing. There are also four different species of butterfly to choose from: Monarch (orange), yellow Papilio, Morpho Morpho Blue and Pink. The jar measures 17 inches high and 9 cm in diameter and runs on 3 AAA batteries (included). The charm of a timeless game now available for those who live in the city.
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