The Cardboard Characters of "The Big Bang Theory"

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The Big Bang Theory is a sitcom that has found the most successful of these years, took advantage of the first signs of appreciation that were taking the nerd, contributing to their final consecration, transforming them from looser (losers) to role models, at least in look and dress.

After all, how not to love people like Sheldon and Raj, extraordinary characters who have become points of reference for all the geeks on the planet.

All fans can now enjoy one of the gadgets most extraordinary dedicated to the series, and have the stars of "The Big Bang Theory" at home and size. Those you see are the silhouettes of four cardboard galaxy's most famous nerd, Sheldon, Raj, Leonard and Howard, plus the inevitable neighbor Penny.

Each one costs 40 dollars, but as I write one of them is on offer, just do not know if it sells or yet another slap in the face of the producers. Howard, Sheldon defines an acquaintance of three great friends, is on sale for 31.99 USD!

Poor Wolowitz , is mistreated by Sheldon, mother, and now marketing. You also taken a shape of Howard, needs your support.

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