Twitnote, The Set Of Magnets Of Twitter

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Twitnote -  It 'time to make the best social networks for writing short posts the new way to communicate with your family. The spread of refrigerators with doors metal makes you pay for the use of magnets with which to attack notes, making them the true center of communication at home.
Now thanks to this set of magnets called Twitnote we can make it even more practical, professional and fashionable. The main piece of the set is undoubtedly the slate, with the logo and graphics Twitnote taken by well-known social networks, obviously there is the number 140 in the upper right corner, which indicates the maximum number of characters available on Web to write their own messages.
We could not miss the magnet pen holder with which to write, erase and rewrite all the messages one after the other. To complete the set and turn the refrigerator in a real "Twitterifero" there are also four other magnets with various symbols and characters that are on social networks. Twitter is changing the way we communicate with the world, will do even within the family?
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