Spotiiiis; LED Displays for Sports

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Spotiiiis; LED displays for sports - Who does not only sports to have an acceptable form, but a high level with well-planned training programs and gadgets find this very interesting. It's called Sportiiiis, with four "i" because they are the ones that are in "visual intuition," and will be very useful for those who, when he uses the heart rate monitor and sports bases its training on various ranges of heart rate.

The main device is a display that can be attached to any type of glasses is composed of a sensor to attach to the wand and a thin strip with LED lights that will end at the bottom of the lens. Thus we have the free field of view, but with a quick look at the bottom we can see immediately how things are going our heart rate.

And 'including software, compatible with PC, Mac, and also available for smartphones, which set the device with its own configuration. Thus, while we we will report the device as a sport is going to training, if the center LED is lit green means that we are going as planned, if you turn on an LED on the left means that we are below our target , color, yellow, orange or red, indicating how far we are from our goal.
In contrast, the LED's on the right want to say that we exceeded the target and we are taking too high a rate. Sportiiiis adapts to any kind of sports thanks to the accessories, in fact the universal HR belt plus a cadence sensor and speed for bicycles and a pedometer for those who prefer the race.
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